Saturday, April 19, 2014

Electrovoice EV-four Speakers

As an audiophile, I often heard about how great Electrovoice speakers from the 1960's and 1970's, when Electrovoice was making home audio speakers, were.

Well recently, I ran across some Electrovoice EV-FOUR (EV-4) 3way speakers (original with midrange horn). Each speaker was in a real maple cabinet (none of this cheap simulated wood finish crap).The grilles were tweed like. More than that, each speaker weighed a ton (well about 50 pounds or more) and they were big and thick floor speakers.

This made me curious, so I went to google to see what I could learn about them. I rab across a thread on audio speaker forum and I usually trust the threads. However, I was saddened that these so called expert audiophikes dismissed it. Adding such comments, "perhaps it would sound better in a different cabinet", "must replace the caps", "well, ev speakers just are not interesting to listen to?!", "they are worth about $20...I never pay $20 for a pair of speakers" and my favorite "they just dont have any bass" and so on.

 I soon discovered that these bozo's making these comments were ignorant morons who not only didnt own a pair of ev-4's, but hadn't even heard them. They also commented that the price should be $20?! to maybe $100. . Strangly, these morons even posted a recent ebay sale of a pair of EV-4's for $450 plus shipping.Even after posting this, they kept saying that was ten times ore than there worth and how they should be $20 (this from the schmuck who wont spend more than $20 on a pair of speakers) others saying $40?!

I plugged in the 8 ohm ev-4's to a humble 100 watt solid state sony receiver and popped in a CD. My jaw dropped to the ground!! Suddenly the room was filled with a full range sound with a deep, tight bass, airy midrange and smooth hi sounds,all well balanced. These were one of the best speakers I have ever heard.The guy who posted they didnt have any bass obviously has never heard ev-4's. As it turn out , these speakers range goes from 30khz to 20hz. I mean 30khz is subwoofer territory!! Most speakers roll off at 60khz at best. Also, this isnt flabby bass, but tight ,punchy bass!! Kick drums, bass and double bass just were amazing.

Next the midrange which is switchable to low mid high on the back with a switch is incedible to listen to. I had an eric Johnson cD on and you would swear his marshall cabinet was in the room with you. Just a full sound. The trebble was not as bright as my bookshelf Polk speakers granted, However, it has a three way switch on back and the trebble is so smooth and fits the speakers correctly. Pink Floyd's the wall cymbals were lifelike.

 I would pay $800-$2000 or more for these and they just provide a full sound that was better than my canton's, klipsch and Polk speakers. The are very much on par with my 4 way jbl l-120's which cost way more than these with possibly a tighter bass.If you run into a pair of these grab them!! You wont believe the sound.I will never again believe these so called audio experts who were talking out of their butts without ever owning or even listening to these incredible speakers (my response is "take your pants off as I cant hear what your saying").

Dont take my word for it though, find a pair and see for yourself. I was going to sell mine on ebay after reading the posts at audiokarma before plugging them in, now they are staying with me as one of my favorite speakers and one of the best I have ever heard.

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